Sunday, February 20, 2011

A real life real time account of a girl awake while everyone is sleeping

It's about 2 days later now, and just so you know I never did fall asleep...

So I’m sitting on a plane right now. Everyone is asleep. I’m bored. That’s pretty much it for the moment. I have no Internet on this plane so I’m typing this in Microsoft word and I guess I’ll upload it to this blog later.

Thoughts and questions of the moment

  1. 1. My life is kind of awesome. 2 weeks ago my mother and I decided to randomly jet off to London over the vacation and we’re actually doing it.
  2. 2. Sometimes we really are the Gilmore Girls.
  3. 3. Why are the words “Internet” and “Microsoft” capitalized? I guess Microsoft is a name, but why Internet?
  4. 4. I feel like Carrie Bradshaw right now. Is it weird typing late at night about my thoughts makes me feel really cool?
  5. 5. Why is it that I can never sleep when I’m supposed to? I purposely prevented myself from falling asleep on my connecting flight to Chicago, because it was a short flight and I wanted to be able to sleep on this long one, but now I can’t sleep anyways. Everyone around me is asleep and were somehow (with all the time changes) landing in London at 6 a.m. and I’m going to have to walk around the whole day on no sleep. London better have good coffee or I’m going to die.
  6. 6. I’m happy to be all caught up on gossip girl! What an accomplishment! Haha
  7. 7. I don’t care how fat they are going to make me… I love oreos…so much
  8. 8. I hate that when I don’t have stress it doesn’t feel right so I think I must be forgetting something
  9. 9. I need to remember to be a kid
  10. 10. I think that the universe has been trying to tell remind me to be a kid
  11. 11. I actually enjoy reading
  12. 12. I actually enjoy reading crappy teen novels
  13. 13. I only enjoy reading about love
  14. 14. Why is everything else but love boring?
  15. 15. I wish I was more cultured, but culture bores me
  16. 16. Does anyone actually enjoy culture?
  17. 17. All my thoughts always lead me back to the same question of what I see/hear/smell/etc is the same as what other people are seeing/hearing/smelling/etc
  18. 18. Sometimes I wish I had a reality show or something to show all the moments when I feel cool (such as the one right now)
  19. 19. I miss my friends
  20. 20. I miss my friends a lot
  21. 21. I hope my friends don’t have too much fun without me
  22. 22. I hope people miss me when I’m not there
  23. 23. I hope people notice when I’m not there
  24. 24. I hope people wonder where I am when I’m not there
  25. 25. I hope I am a little bit of a mystery
  26. 26. Sometimes I think nobody knows anything about me, but then I realize how obvious everything about me is and it’s a little disappointing
  27. 27. I’m so happy the flight attendant just brought me water
  28. 28. I was thirsty and didn’t even realize!
  29. 29. Maybe I should be a flight attendant? The CW show about flight attendants made there lives look awesome but I doubt its really like that…
  30. 30. I wish I was alive to fly on planes back in the day when people dressed up for them and everyone would drink and smoke on the plane like a big party
  31. 31. Back to what I was taking about before, it’s confusing when you move somewhere new because you’re used to everyone actually knowing everything about you, but when you move nobody does. You make friends and you forget they didn’t know you back when you were a fat, ugly little girl. It makes you wonder whether they would have been your friend. It makes you wonder if people had known you then, if they would approve of you now. It’s not like I was some awful person that nobody talked to before, but my life was different. I’m not used to boys who actually know me having any interest in even talking to me. But I guess they don’t really know me. Its just like how the random boys liked me when the ones in school never did. These are the random boys. They don’t know me. I know that nobody knows me, but I wonder if they think they do?
  32. 32. My mom just waved at me……
  34. 34. I want to get up to the front of the plane and tell everyone whose awake to come sit with me and talk to me and we can all share our life stories and become best friends
  35. 35. Remember that time I woke you up?
  36. 36. That was to you. Because I’m sure at some point I have woken you up.
  37. 37. I think the reason I’m a morning person is because when I was younger I went to my friend’s house in the morning sometimes and her mom had always been up for always and done something really productive like bake cookies or something and I wanted to do that too
  38. 38. This list could go on forever
  39. 39. Maybe I should stop?
  40. 40. Ok I’m on number 40 so I’m going to go back to reading a book about teenage summer romance and hope my life turns out just like the girl in the book who finds the perfect boy and they fall in love and live happily ever after…sound good? Good Night! Let’s hope I can sleep for a bit!

Friday, January 21, 2011

And the seasons they go round and round

I am so incredibly affected by the seasons, so lately my mood has been pretty down because I'm so bored of the cold snow and just want summer! Today was a snow day though so I didn't let the winter weather get me down. I took advantage of the white world around me and had some fun taking pictures with my sister and hanging out with friends. Spring will be here soon enough so I'm just trying to enjoy the winter because I know I'll miss it as soon as it's gone...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

An 'Insider's' Perspective

I have never seen this much snow before. Ever. I wasn't willing to leave the heated comfort of my house, so excuse the window screen in the way of a couple but I wanted to take a couple of pictures anyways to capture the craziness and remember the day the world turned white.

Also, I just found out that my neighbor chopped off three of his fingers in the snow blower today! I hope the don't turn up on my lawn....

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Stuck in a Rut

"You’re only a teenager. You’re not yet married, so go with the flow, laugh tons, use manners, and try something new. Will you just kiss him already? Trust your feelings, spend your cash, introduce yourself, take a chance, study hard, seek happiness, and regret nothing. Don’t laugh at people’s dreams, make a wish on 11:11, challenge yourself, take pictures and appreciate the memories. You should make time to dance in your underwear, and learn from the past. Play dress up and then take all your clothes off. Have the time of your life."

My life has never been exhilarating but most of the time I am able to keep myself entertained with nonsense. Being home sick last night left me with nothing. All I could do was think, but there was nothing I could actually do. I came across the quote written above while on tumblr and it got me excited for life again. I can't wait to be back in the world with my friends (even if it is at school)! I'm inspired to do whatever I want. I'm going to limit my stress, enjoy my life, and work hard for what I want without holding back.